Memoirs of a Teenage Amnesiac

When you've lost all your memoirs of the past 4 years, you learn to start over and become a new you.
Memories of a Teenage Amnesiac


Pride of Orange. Super Rangers are the ones that are called when things have went from bad to worse. When there are no other options. They are the elite of the rescue crews. Risking their lives in order to save yours.

Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge

Learning to love yourself is probably the hardest lesson to learn. Sometimes it takes encouragement from unlikely sources to teach you that lesson.
Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge

Liar Game

A game built on deception. A con-artist with a kind heart and a innocent girl who trusts you even when you've betrayed her, make for an unstoppable team.
Liar Game

Death Note

If you had the power to kill just by picturing a person and writing their name down in a notebook, who would you target? Would it be considered a crime to kill off all the criminals in the world?
Death Note

Code Blue

An elite team of doctors that travel via helicopter to get to the scene of the accident even a second faster in order to have a better chance at saving lives.
Code Blue

Bleach (Anime)

Not a lot of my friends (especially the female ones) watch Bleach. Other than my boyfriend, his friend Tim and a few brats at work I don't know many people that watch it and keep up with it. I honestly didn't think I would get addicted to it so heavily. It's more of a boy's anime than a girls anime. I finally got around to watching the episodes back in December 2008 or January 2009. It took my about a week to watch close to 150+ episodes. I thought it would take longer, but seeing as I don't have much of a life and I don't really have a social life other than my boyfriend (and occasionally we hang out with Tim), I flew through those episodes in no time. When I finally caught up, I was quite sad. It meant I had to wait a whole week before a new episode would be out. That's always the hardest part... the wait.

Last weeks episode has me on edge. It's not even part of the main story arch. It's a filler and usually fillers aren't that exciting. But with Bleach, half the time you can't even tell it's a filler. I'm excited to know what happens with the Shinigami and their Zanpakuto.
It's been said that the reason why Kenpachi isn't even in this episode is because it's a major spoil about the true form of his Zanpakuto. Now, if you're a follower of Bleach then you'll know from earlier episodes that Kenpachi doesn't know the name of his Zanpakuto and can't use it's release form. He says it's because he only needs himself. He's all powerful and doesn't need the added boost the Zanpakuto will give him.
Now, it's supposed to be a huge spoiler that the true identity of his Zanpakuto is his Lieutenant Yachiru. And if you think about it, it does make sense. She's always with him. She showed up out of nowhere, playing in the blood from Kenpachi's many victims, they have similar powers and Kenpachi gave Yachiru her name. But it could possibly go the other way too. Kenpachi could be her Zanpakuto. Kenpachi didn't have a name either until he met Yachiru. And we (my boyfriend, his friend Tim and I) think that is the reason why they aren't in this Zanpakuto filler episodes. And it does make sense if you break it down a bit and analize it.

Yes, I'm that much of a nerd. I take pride in my nerdy-ness.

Anyone else have any thoughts on this or would like to suggest something else? Leave me a comment and we can further discuss it.


Metalheadz3 said...

Bleach is okay, but it's overrated. It's still an awesome series, though.

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