Boku no Hatsukoi wo Kimi ni Sasagu starring Inoue Mao, Okada Masaki, Sugimoto Tetta, Moriguchi Yoko, Harada Natsuki, Nakamura Toru, Hosoda Yoshihiko.
Most people don't meet their first loves until they are much older. Then again, most people don't find out they are dying and how much longer they have left to live at such a young age.
Takuma is only 8 years old and has just find out he has a heart condition and will most like die before he's 20 years old unless he finds a heart donor and the transplant is a success. While at the doctors for his heart condition, Takuma meets Mayu, his doctors daughter who is the same age. They become fast friends and make a promise to get married when they are old enough.
Years later, they are in their final year of junior high school. Mayu continues to support and love Takuma while Takuma tries to distance himself from Mayu to protect her from getting hurt if her were to die before a donor is found. Their love has a time limit and with every passing day there is no donor for a heart, their time together gets shorter.
This is one of those movies where you need to have a box of tissues within reach or else you'll have loads of tears running down your cheeks and a nose dripping with snot. It'll be ten times worse if you're an easy crier like I am. I'm probably a huge sucker for the sad movies. Movies where there is a illness involved, possibly life threatening, but two people find each other and fall in love. Those two people would do anything in their power for the one they love. I never get tired of seeing a love like that. A lot of people will go their whole lives without finding a love like that and it's just wonderful to see people in love even if it doesn't last because one of them is doomed to die. I would rather have a love so powerful for a short time then no love in my entire life and not have to deal with the pain of losing that love.
Here's a short fan made video for Boku no Hatsukoi wo Kimi ni Sasagu. Get a box of tissues and have a good cry. Enjoy.
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