Ichigo vs Ulquiorra I must say this has been an epic battle. The music, setting, artwork and animation all done very well. Very one sided battle for the most part. However, don't count Ichigo out yet, after all the show is named after him Bleachigo! Okay well maybe it's not but he's the main character right? He can't die right? I won't spoil it for those that haven't watched it yet but I will say that this episode has quite a few surprises in store for you.
I was surprised with Ishida's performance in todays episode. Always keeping his cool Ishida will assess the situation, read his opponent, and come up with a strategy. Unlike this orange hair shinigami that runs in head strong and fights on power and instinct. Nothing wrong with that though he's still one of my favorites. Ishida seemed to be keeping up with Ulquiorra at least for a few minutes buying precious time for his friends. He may have just been playing with him but Ulquiorra even mentioned he was impressed with his
speed.....for a human.
I don't want to go into any more details in the fight or what's going on with Ichigo with fear of spoiling something. Be sure to check it out when you get the chance. Overall it was a good episode that I enjoyed. It's just like all the others though in the sense that it ends too soon and your left with wanting more. Gotta wait another week, at least Naruto is just around the corner. And for those of you that have seen it let me know what you think is going on with
Ichigo (no manga spoilers please).
Oh my!! I watched +200 episodes of Bleach, then then I quit... but this battle is really something I wanted to see!! COOL! I wonder if Ichigo levels up after this battle :P Gotta find some time to watch a few new episodes! Thanks!!
This episode alone was worth the wait of sitting through hours and hours of fillers. I'm always anticipating the next episode. After watching 271 it's become a bit worse.
I hope you can get back into it. It's getting really good.
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