Koizora, also known as Sky of Love, staring Mizusawa Elena and Seto Koji.
Tahara Mika has a run in with Sakurai Hiroki (Hiro) one day at school. Hiro takes it upon himself to steal Mika's first kiss from her. Though at first she is upset with Hiro about it she can't seem to keep her thoughts off of him. Mika finds out that Hiro was still dating a girl when he stole her first kiss from her. This upsets Mika and she confronts Hiro. Hiro explains that he only wants to be with Mika and that he will break up with the other girl.
Tahara Mika has a run in with Sakurai Hiroki (Hiro) one day at school. Hiro takes it upon himself to steal Mika's first kiss from her. Though at first she is upset with Hiro about it she can't seem to keep her thoughts off of him. Mika finds out that Hiro was still dating a girl when he stole her first kiss from her. This upsets Mika and she confronts Hiro. Hiro explains that he only wants to be with Mika and that he will break up with the other girl.